Happy New Year 2018

Posted by Jayne Dryden on

Happy New Year to all our friends from Home Farm.   

January started off busy at Home Farm - shearing all of our pregnant Wensleydale ewes.  This should help the lambs find their mother's milk faster and also I believe that with a heavy longwool sheep this will be more hygienic.  

But of course it means more work at Home Farm, as these ewes will be housed now until after lambing. 

We have started preparations putting up the marquee – we do love our ‘Party Tent’, exciting times ahead.  If you want to keep up to date with our lambing from 1 March – join my facebook page ‘JayneDryden’.

Most of this fleece will be heading to Yorkshire for washing and spinning.  However, some of the premium fleece is selected and sold to hand-spinners and crafters.  
This month we had some absolutely spectacular hand spun wool from the Woolly Wizzard - take a look at our on-line store for more details


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